In order to measure the impact of publications on an international scale, we have opted for a number of graphs to provide some answers:

Graph : Evolution of the number of publications

This graph illustrates the evolution of the number of publications in 5-year intervals between 1988 and 2022 for each country analyzed. Each point on the curve represents the number of publications for each five-year period.

Graph: Evolution of quality indicators represented by quartiles           

This stacked histogram shows the quality of scientific publications over a 5-year period, according to their respective research category, measured according to the classification proposed by Clarivate®. There are 4 quartiles defined as follows:

First quartile (Q1): These are the 25% most influential journals in their respective fields. This means that if a journal is ranked in Q1, it is in the top quarter in terms of impact and citations in its field.

Second quartile (Q2): These are the journals that fall between 50% and 75% when ranked by impact. They are still highly respected, but fall below the first quartile.

Third quartile (Q3): Here you find newspapers that fall between 25% and 50% in terms of impact. They have less impact than those in the first two quartiles.

Fourth quartile (Q4): These are the 25% of newspapers least cited or influential in their field.

What can the answers to this question tell us?

Improving the Quality and Relevance of Research: Scientific impact assessment helps to determine the quality and relevance of Caribbean research in relation to world standards. This helps to identify and promote areas of excellence, thus stimulating the quality of future research.

Increased funding and collaboration opportunities: Research with a significant international impact increases the chances of securing funding and partnerships. This global recognition facilitates cross-regional exchanges and collaborations, attracting additional talent and resources to the region.

Influence on regional policy and strategy: The results of this research influence local and regional policies on education, health, the environment, and so on. They also enable Caribbean institutions to direct their research and development strategies, based on concrete data on their impact and contribution to global science.



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