Having an overview of collaboration among researchers and countries in the Caribbean is of vital importance.

With a better understanding of the dynamics of scientific research, we can now..:

In order to best answer the question "Who collaborates with whom ?", we have opted for a number of graphs to provide some answers:

Graph:Distribution of First and Last Authors by Country of Affiliation in the Caribbean

  This graph is a curve (or several curves if first and last authors are represented separately) that shows the quantitative distribution of first and last authors according to their country of affiliation in scientific publications. The top 5 countries are represented on the x-axis, while the y-axis indicates the number of authors.

Graph: Map of international scientific collaborations in the country analyzed

This network graph, developed using VOSviewer, offers a detailed and dynamic visualization of the analyzed country's international scientific collaborations in public health research in the Caribbean region.

Nodes and Links : Each node in this network represents a country or institution with which the analyzed country has established scientific collaborations. The size of each node is proportional to the number of collaborations or joint publications.
Links (dashes) between nodes illustrate collaborative relationships. Their thickness and color can vary to indicate the intensity and frequency of collaborations between entities.
Clustering and colors : Nodes are often colored and grouped according to specific criteria, such as geographic region, research field, or intensity of collaborations. These clusters help identify networks or groups of countries and institutions that collaborate closely. The spatial arrangement and concentration of clusters can reveal collaboration hubs or regions where the country analyzed is particularly active.

 Graph: Network of Scientific Collaborations by Author

This graph, developed via VOSviewer, offers a visual representation of scientific collaboration networks within the country analyzed, highlighting the links between authors and their contribution to public health research in the Caribbean region.

Nodes and Links : Each node represents an author involved in scientific research. The size of each node can be proportional to the number of publications or the frequency of the author's collaborations.
Links between nodes illustrate existing collaborations between authors. Their thickness indicates the intensity of collaborations, with thicker links representing more frequent or closer collaborations.
Clustering and colors: Authors are clustered and colored according to criteria such as their institution of affiliation, area of specialization or geographic region. These clusters help to identify research communities and collaborative networks within the country. The spatial arrangement of clusters can reveal dominant research centers or groups of authors working closely on similar topics.

What can the answers to this question tell us?

In short, this research question, Who is collaborating with whom? is crucial to optimizing scientific collaboration in the Caribbean, by identifying key players, building research capacity, and promoting regional cooperation and policy impact:
Identification and networking of key playersCollaboration mapping helps identify the most active and influential researchers, facilitating the establishment of scientific research networks. These networks strengthen productive relationships between institutions and researchers, and highlight potential partnerships for future projects.
Resource Allocation and Research Capacity Building: This analysis helps funding agencies and governments to invest in a targeted and effective way, by identifying active areas of collaboration that point to promising areas of research. By understanding the dynamics of collaboration, training or capacity-building programs can be supported, especially in under-represented or emerging areas.
Regional Cooperation and Policy ImpactKnowledge of scientific partnerships fosters regional cooperation in the Caribbean, a region characterized by significant disparities. This enables the complementary strengths of different countries to be exploited. A better understanding of these partnerships also informs decision-makers about current trends in scientific research, thus guiding education, research and innovation policies.




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